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Heroes9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Team Tactics: the comeback

Understand what's failing

The first step is to analyze your position. Big power spikes happen every three levels in heroes.  If you aren't on equal talents with your foes, man on man fights are highly unadvised. This is especially true for level 10 and 20. Try not to contest objectives unless absolutely necessary while behind a talent. Instead, group up and clear waves where it's safe. This allows you to fill the xp deficit while remaining safe from the enemy. If the levels are even but your team is still getting slaughtered, put pressure on structures and force the other team to play defensively. Remember, kills may be nice, but as long as the core is down you win.


Communicate your intentions

Of course, none of this matters if your team doesn't know what's going on. Communication is important in all competitive games and Heroes is no different. Pings are good for a quick danger or on my way, but you'll want to type out your thoughts to be an effective leader. Let your team know if you think hanging back and building merc pressure is more important than fighting for a tribute. Type a quick 'b' followed by some retreat pings if a situation gets hairy. Make sure your allies know you have their back. Plan and set up engagements. It's essential here to be helpful and not abusive. Nobody wants to listen if they think you're belittling them. 


Make use of openings

You see three enemy heroes in bot lane on map. Take all the resources you can top. Grab mercenaries, grab vision towers, try and sneak a fort or a keep if you can. The top priority is to squeeze as much out of what you can. You never want to be standing around waiting to react to what the other team does. Always be moving and taking an advantage where you can. Make pressure on the map. Map pressure means the other team has to respond to it, giving you plenty of time to soak up or create pressure elsewhere.  This is essential for making a comeback. 


A grain of salt

No matter how skilled you are, you won't be able to win 100% of your games. Nobody does. But if you can take charge of a situation and steer your team in a positive way, you will see a big difference in your win percentages. The most important thing you can do is remain positive and keep things fun. Skill and teamwork are important to winning games, but having a friendly attitude is essential.

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