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Hearthstone3 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

Darkmoon Faire Pros & Streamers Deck List Compilation

Hey r/hearthstone, Stonekeep from Hearthstone Top Decks here and I'm back with another deck roundup.

It's fair to say that this expansion release is quite different than what most of us have expected. We just had a massive progression system revamp, which - as you all know - is far from perfect. Between lower gold values, offering Year of the Dragon packs, progressing through higher levels being slow (and feeling bad) and finally multiple bugs... Let's just say that things could have been better.

While I'm not influential enough for my opinion to really matter... I like the idea behind new system itself, but I hope that it will either be tweaked or Blizzard will offer many extra ways to earn XP throughout the expansion (Events, Legendary Quests etc. that will boost players by multiple levels, thus increasing overall rewards considerably). In fact, the new rewards should not only match the previous gold amounts, but offer a bit more given that mini-sets will make the game more expensive. And it absolutely HAS to be bug fixed - the amount of issues like people not getting their Daily/Weekly Quests, some modes not giving XP, the visual glitches etc. are things that need to he handled ASAP if they don't want people to quit. I'm still waiting for some sort of official reply from Blizzard (and in case you're wondering - I already sent my feedback directly to them), because a lot will depend on how they handle the issue. (Update: If you haven't seen it yet, Game Director Ben Lee has issued official statement here.)

All of that said, I know that most of you still love the game and that's the reason why you're so passionate about it. I also know that lots of you will still play the new expansion. I'll be honest - I wasn't sure if I should make this post given the current situation on this sub, but figured out that it might be useful for those of you who decide to play after all. And well, after all, covering Hearthstone is still my job.

I'm making a post earlier so you can already save it, bookmark it, whatever you prefer! Once the expansion launches, I tend to give pros/streamers some time (usually half an hour or so) to open packs, build their decks and actually start testing them. At the very beginning, I'm going to post basically everything they play, just to give you something to play with too. Some of those decks will suck, so I DO NOT RECOMMEND making any big crafts on Day 1 - but that's the beauty of the launch day, you never know what will work and what won't. Once some sort of meta starts developing, I will be more selective about what I post (and focus on decks with proven track record, high Legend climbs etc.).

I tend to post decks until Day 4-5, because after that the early meta starts to stabilize and we tend to see a few select decks over and over again, so there's no point. Of course, I'll still keep adding new decks on the website if you're interested, just not in this post.

In the meantime, if you want to pick something to play before release, you can check out some theorycrafts our writers have been creating. We've prepared ~25 decks that explore new mechanics and synergies.

Demon Hunter

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