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Hearthstone4 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

A class whose identity reads "Cannot draw" is a class whose identity reads "Cannot play synergies pa

Turn 4 because luckily you have an opening hand.


Galakrond/Tempo Priest has this problem. Spell Shaman has this problem.

Best Hunter had this problem until they got a variety of tutors. Warrior has this problem and runs Corsair Cache to tutor Anchor to tutor Risky Skipper which comboes with Battle Rage to be a drawing engine.

Paladin has this problem.

The only synergy-based strategies of classes that can't tutor or draw specific components of their strategy, need to be able to end the game before the lack of draw disables the strategy. Libram Paladin is a perfect example of that. When the deck alligns it's a great deck to play and feels nearly competitive to top meta decks... But that's a 1-in-~6 scenario where you get the discounts, the librams and Liadrin in time.

Bad card draw is fine, almost none is not fine. In a game where the standard appears to be to draw 12-15 cards per game, having classes draw 0-2 is insane.

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