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Hearthstone4 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

I have beaten every single boss from Heroic Galakrond's Awakening with Whizbang.

Hello! Guy that cleared The Lich King 9 times with Whizbang here.

So, new adventure finally came out. I decided to clear it with Whizbang.

Here is the videos, so you can see how I did it:

League of E.V.I.L side:

Sir Finley


Reno Jackson (Wing 1)


Dragoncaster Askaara

United Sr. Explorers



Dragonrider Talritha

The Wanderer

The Dragonflights


George and Karl

The Amazing Reno (Wing 4) - Super RNG boss. Got lucky after 2 hours.

Galakrond - Imo. this is the hardest fight in this adventure, and from Whizbang perspective - the hardest fight in the whole game. I've managed to beat him without Alexstrasza so I'm proud. It took me 25 hours. Also - explanation here: after 15 hours of trying to beat him with whizbang I decided to just recreate the deck from whizbang pool which I thought have best chances to win. Thanks to that, I was not wasting time for rerolling Whizbang decks every time.


League of Explorers side:

Dr. Boom

Avalanchan - a bit difficult. Took me 3 hours.

Kriziki the Winged


Madame Lazul

Cultist Dawnshatter

Hagatha the Vengeful



Dragonslayer Skruk - This one is really difficult. Took me 6 hours.

The Slipstream


George the Fallen

Waxrider Toggwagle

Rafaam and Galakrond - Comparing to Galakrond from league of evil campaign - piece of cake. Although it was not super easy.


Entire Playlist

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