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Hearthstone8 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Six new Gadgetzan cards revealed

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The Grimy Goons came en masse in the night.

The Grimy Goons endorse week is going in full force and one of the three factions is almost entirely revealed with only their leader Don Han’Cho still notably remaining hidden.

A totel of six new cards were revealed last night, most of which are common. A card that certainly grabbed the attention of fans and pro players alike was [card]dirty rat[/card], the modern version of [card]deathlord[/card]. Dirty Rat is a 2/6 drop for 2, with the drawback of summoning a random minion from opponent’s hand. A neutral minion, the Rat gives control decks a good anti-aggro option as not only does it soak quite some damage, but can also deny beneficial Battlecry effects such as [card]abusive sergeant[/card]’s or [card]dark peddler[/card]’s. With Shaman on top of the meta, however, Dirty Rat remains a gamble as a free [card]totem golem[/card], [card]flametongue totem[/card] or [card]thing from below[/card] is nothing to laugh at.

Another curious card is Hunter’s [card]dispatch kodo[/card]. A 4-mana 2/4 drop that deals its attack as damage on Battlecry, Dispatch Kodo is very similar to Druid’s [card]keeper of the grove[/card] pre-nerf, albeit lacking the option of silence. Dispatch Kodo makes up for it with Grimy Goons’ tribe mechanic of buffing minions in the hand, so it won’t be uncommon to see it deal 3 damage and more.

[card]backroom bouncer[/card] is another cool battle minion. Statted at 4/4 for 4, the Bouncer grows its attack when a friendly minion dies. Expect to see it in fast decks such as Zoo or Aggro Paladin and be played just before trades are made and do not be surprised if it enters play as a potential 7/4.

The other three cards are not too exciting, featuring a vanilla 4-drop in [card]worgen greaser[/card], a basic Taunt minion in [card]Hired Gun[/card] and a murloc ping-on-a-stick in [card]blowgill sniper[/card].


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