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Hearthstone8 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Decklist spotlight: All decks from Last Call Americas

The final HCT tournament before Blizzcon is taking place this Saturday, October 15, to decide Americas' fourth representative at the world finals. Here are the 40 decks from the tournament.

Big differences were observed between the Last Call Invitationals of Europe and APAC, where the former enjoyed a slower, midrange meta compared to the aggressive nature of Asia-Pacific. The Americas' Last Call, on the other hand, has it all.

The big thing to point out is that all nine classes are brought to the tournament, thanks to LG's Frank "Fr0zen" Zhang. The ONOG champion has not only chosen to use a N'Zoth Paladin - a spec that has taken the sidelines in favor of the Anyfin combo build - but is also bringing Zetalot's Control Priest. 

While there are other decks worth mentioning, such as Muzzy's Yogg-less Token Druid, Noblord's Ramp and Nostam's Aggro Shaman, Fr0zen's Priest will be without a doubt the highlight of the tournament. The youngster is considerd the favorite to get the last seed into Blizzcon, according to our GosuPoll and will have to pull out mad Priest plays if he's to prevail.

You can see all 40 decks below.


United States BbgungunUnited States ChessdudeUnited States Fr0zenUnited States Muzzy
Tempo MageFreeze MageN'Zoth PaladinToken Druid
Yogg DruidMidrange ShamanN'Zoth RenoLockMidrange Hunter
Midrange ShamanMidrange HunterC'Thun WarriorTempo Mage
DiscardLockMalygos DruidN'Zoth HunterMalygos Miracle
Secrets Hunter

Control Warrior

Control Priest
Midrange Shaman
Canada NeobilityUnited States NoblordUnited States NostamCanada SilentStorm
Malygos DruidMidrange ShamanMalygos DruidMalygos Druid
Midrange ShamanRamp DruidSecrets HunterTempo Mage 
N'Zoth WarriorDiscard LockTempo MageMidrange Shaman
Midrange HunterControl WarriorAggro ShamanDiscard Lock
Tempo MageTempo MagePirate WarriorC'Thun Warrior


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