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Hearthstone8 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Now that HCT AM Spring is over, let's look at the championship decklists again

The Shaman/Warrior/Warlock meta continues.

On Sunday, the Americas crowned Cydonia as their Spring champion and the Canadian joins Amnesiac as region’s second representative at Blizzcon. Cydonia’s run denied a second seed for the United States and so far Korea remains the only country to have more than one representative in the World Finals.

You can read all about Cydonia’s run in our Saturday and Sunday recaps, but here’s a place to look at decklists and examine metagames. Seven of the nine classes were brought to the HCT AM championship, making for a less diverse meta compared to the European counterpart. Once again, Shaman and Warrior were in all eight line-ups, but the Shaman split between midrange and aggro was nonexistent, with all champions sticking to the latter. Notable is the increase in Druid decks compared to EU, with Malfurion being brought by half of the player pool, the class still being dominated by its CThun list.

Below are all 40 decks played this weekend, as well as the archetype breakdown.

Druid: 4/8 line-ups
Builds: 3x CThun Druid, 1x Token Druid

Hunter: 7/8 line-ups
Builds: 5x Midrange Hunter, 1x Camel Hunter, 1x Hybrid Hunter

Mage: 3/8 line-ups
Builds: 2x Freeze Mage, 1x Tempo Mage

Paladin: 0/8 line-ups

Priest: 0/8 line-ups

Rogue: 3/8 line-ups
Builds: 3x Miracle

Shaman: 8/8 line-ups
Builds: 8x Aggro Shaman

Warlock: 7/8 line-ups
Builds: 6x Zoo, 1x RenoLock

Warrior: 8/8 line-ups
Builds: 6x Tempo Warrior, 2x Dragons


United States BradfordleeCanada CydoniaUnited States DeerjasonCanada Duane
Miracle RogueMidrange HunterTempo WarriorTempo Warrior
CThun DruidCThun DruidMidrange HunterTempo Mage
Midrange HunterZooToken DruidZoo 
Tempo WarriorDragon WarriorZooMidrange Hunter
Aggro Shaman
Aggro Shaman
Aggro Shaman
Aggro Shaman
United States JosterUnited States NapoleonArgentina PNCUnited States Rosty
Camel HunterTempo WarriorMidrange HunterHybrid Hunter
Aggro ShamanZooMiracle RogueDragon Warrior
Tempo WarriorCThun DruidAggro ShamanZoo
Miracle RogueFreeze MageZooAggro Shaman
RenoLockAggro ShamanDragon WarriorFreeze Mage


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