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Hearthstone9 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Goblins vs Gnomes Paladin legendary revealed!

Bolvar Fordragon is the newest addition to the Paladin class in the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion and also the last card to be released via the voting system.

It has an interesting mechanic for the Paladin class, which spawns 1/1 recruits on a regular basis, since it grows every time a friendly minion dies while it's in your hand.

With this mechanic you could either go for the lategame oriented giant Bolvar play (as a 20/7 for example) which seems a lot riskier, or make a more tempo oriented play earlier in the game and bring it out with 5-6 attack instead. That way it can't be removed by [card]Big Game Hunter[/card] and with 7 health you can easily trade it for 2 or more minions. Its health also makes Bolvar resistant against most damaging removal spell like [card]Swipe[/card] or [card]Soulfire[/card].

Check out the other expansion cards in our Goblins vs Gnomes Spoiler.

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