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Bracket for WEC drawn, tournament opens with China vs USA

Results, VODs, news - the holy grail of WEC coverage

The $63,000 World E-Sports Championship is coming on streams this weekend with eight players representing the four major regions - Europe, NA, Korea and China. Pairings are now drawn and the battle is ready to start this Friday.

The WEC tournament was announced in late June when the organizers revealed the booming $800,000 total prize pool spread over four games. $63,000 of those were put aside for Hearthstone and in July and August, players from all parts of the world came to compete for the valuable eight spots in the main event.

In Europe, it was MYM powerhouse Rdu who won the bracket, followed by Curse's Darkwonyx. The two Europeans were soon joined by TidesofTime and Alchemixt from the North American qualifier, coming first and second respectively. 

The Asian qualifiers went under the radar of the Western audience and completed the final player pool. RenierHouR and Surrender came from Europe while ChinaYLD and Fuoliver ruled the Chinese preliminary.

With all eight spots filled, the main event is ready to kick off in two days' time. Streamed on 2P's Hitbox channel and cast by Frodan and PimpmuckL, the double elimination bracket will run for two days, starting at 04:30 CET on Friday, September 5th.

More than $32,000 are on the line for the gold medalist but WEC is shaping to be more than a "get rich" contest. Being the first ever tournament where all four major regions come to compete against each other, there's also a lot of local pride on the line as well as the classic East versus West rivalry.

Day one schedule:

04:30 CET - ChinaYLD vs Alchemixt
06:15 CET - RenieHouR vs Fuoliver
08:00 CET - Rdu vs Darkwonyx (streamed)
09:45 CET - Surrender vs TidesofTime (streamed)

11:00 CET - WB semi final 1 (streamed)
12:30 CET - WB semi final 2 (streamed)