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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Hatch Bug Nuked


The hatch bug is dead, dead as can be. The PGTour Launcher has been updated and this anti-bug function has been added to it. Courtesy Ilintar and an unknown Korean coder.

The PGTour ladder has been growing daily and with it the number of abuse case load. The ratio has pretty much remained the same, as there is a rather fixed percentage of lamers that will cheat to win rather than earn their rank and wins, but the work load for the PGTour staff trying to keep up has definitively grown exponentially. Currently one of the top methods for abuse has been the infamous Hatch Bug. This will be no more. The part of our community that believes in fair gaming has again responded to a solution to the problems cheaters create.

Night[light] from PGTour in his personal crusade against the Hatch Bug went out in search for a "hack" against it. Well he found one: The Hatch Bug Defender. Let me quote his Tl.net post.

"I've tested this (program) on PGTour.
If only my opponent is using this and I cause or he causes a hatchery bug, I get crashed and he doesn't and just gets countdown. He is able to save the replay since he didn't crash.
If only I'm using this and I cause or he causes a hatchery bug, he crashes and I just get coundown. I'm able to save the replay.
If both player are using this and any one tries to cause a hatchery bug, it won't work and game will carry on.

Pro: Now you can play against zergs freely without getting crashed.
Con: Ironically, this software was made by one of the most famous korean maphack distributing website and theres a link to it. It wont really matter if you play solely on PGTour.

This means that hatchery bug will have no effect. It wont work and drone dies without any error. I don't know why blizzard didn't do anything. This was actually coded by some young Korean kid who builds emulator for a Korean mmorpg ~_~. Very impressive."


This prompted a small challenge, something the likes of Poland Ilintar simply can not resist and low and behond a few moments after he picked at the program and added the function to the newest PenguinPlug and thus of course the PGTour laucher. Let me quote him.

"Due to my meager but nevertheless sufficient reverse-engineering skills, the patch is now included in the newest update for PenguinPlug."

So out of the blue the horrid hatch-bug, and the increasing headache it was causing to the PGTour staff, was anihilated in one stroke. This is something Blizzard will also probably end up adding in its up coming patch. I still find it highly amusing that the Starcraft community is coming up with solutions before the game developer. How can this be? Communication, props to teamliquid where east and west meet, our ever increasing community unity & and kick ass coders!

PGTour.net - Source
Tl.net - Source

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