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StarCraft21 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

New poll - Size of monitor?

[subject_poll]27 progamers! Oh yeah! 69 good players, 26 awesome players, 40 not that good players and 32 players who don't want to talk about it. That's kind of good, isn't it?


  • Comment # 3 by - ZoXXeR @ 2003-07-21 15:36:46
"I think myself as "Not that good".
But I think I should be able to beat quite many of the people who rank them self higher."

Comment # 9 by - saILow @ 2003-07-21 18:33:11
"Let's talk about something else ^^- that suits me perfectly =D"

The new poll reads: What size is your monitor?
- 15" or smaller
- 16" - 17"
- 18" - 19"
- 20" - 21"
- 22" or larger.

Monitor sizes are measured by inches (the prefix is a quotation mark). The size is normally to be read in the upper-left corner of your monitor. Start voting!

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