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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Blizzard’s Double Standard

[s]blizzard[/s]If you pay for a new disc and use its cd-key to use one of the countless bots out there nothing will be said. And yet by their own definition these types of programs are considered ‘hacks’.

Hasuwar from TL.net forums recently e-mailed Blizzard inquiring to know if Keycraft or any program that modifies the same files MOD makers change was illegal; and got an official answer claiming Keycraft was a ‘hack’. On the other hand, Blizzard have clearly stated MODs are allowed. But according to their own definition these too should be considered ‘hacks’. Let me quote an excerpt of Hasuwars’s answer from Blizzard:

Blizzard Entertainment considers any third-party program designed to affect the way that a Blizzard game interacts with Battle.net - including seemingly harmless programs designed to make doing things easier, such as changing hotkeys - a hack program.
» Hasuwar making sure Blizzard knows. Thanks Hasuwar!

This is exactly what many map tools do to make the MODs. It is exactly what a BOT does. Let me quote Blizzards opinion of Total Conversion and MODs from their FAQ section:

How does Blizzard feel about StarCraft Total Conversions, or Diablo mods? We've seen some very polished and fun conversions for our games, and have no problems with total conversions, so long as they are for personal use and do not infringe our End User License Agreement included in our games, nor the rights of any other parties including copyrights, trademarks or other rights.
» Blizzard’s FAQ

Keycraft, MODs, RWAs, Broodwar Filter and many other useful programs help our community grow and improve the quality of our gaming world. Instead Blizzard keeps making patches that make many good programs and MODs incompatible. However Bots, Disc Hacks, Ladder Abuse and Map hacks are all still rampant in Battlenet.

What has Blizzard given us in the last years? Patches that for every glitch they resolve create 2 more, and make useful programs and MODs incompatible. A ladder system that has been strictly a hacker magnet and decoration for the past 4 years. Theoretically even all patch loaders are considered hacks. How are we supposed to change from patch to patch to watch replays?

» Glitches one week after patch 1.11 release.

» MemGraft 1.11 incompatibility.

How is it that amateurs like Starcraftgamers and Traveltoauir can provide a hack free environment and the all Powerful Blizzard can not?

I love Blizzard and all their products, even the ones I do not play. I still remember when I bought Warcraft I. I have been a fan of Battle.net despite all but even though the server is provided for free we are a captive market of consumers. I do not fool myself in this respect. This is the only reason that Blizzard has free servers.

If we are to continue buying Blizzard products I think it is about time they listen to the people that made them great. We are the ones that buy their products. I for one, have decided not to buy WOW if they keep ignoring the Starcraft Community. We are after all the number one played game online world wide.

I want to make one last final point. Whether Blizzard considers a program a hack or not is in no ways the same thing as it being legal or not under the law to use them. Lasgo’s Loader and all of Jca’s programs are LEGAL, both to make them and use them. Blizzard does reserve the right to sanction you if you use them in Battle.net.

I am not a lawyer, I am a gamer but I do know one thing: We do not need Blizzard anymore to play Starcraft. This is a reality and they would be wise to hear the clamor of discontent. Wake up Blizzard or you will lose your captive market. We number 10 million plus. I am just one voice.

Teamliquid.net - Source
Blizzard.com - Source
Starcraft.org - Scoure

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