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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Brazil defeats Norway in a nailbiter


In a closely contested battle today, Brazil and Norway faced off in a wgtour Nation War

Although many might have picked Norway as their favourite in this match, Brazil has always been a dark horse in the Starcraft world and proved once again that they are no slouches, even without their best known player Hellghost[pG] (aka Igor[pG]).

Final Results:

Brazil 3:2 Norway

Brazil iG.Prideless < Norway :+:StinGeR:+: 0-2
Brazil iG.MasteR > Norway 88)Rapide 2-1
Brazil iG.Odin (aka iG.Hiei) > Norway Eriador[pG] 2-0
Brazil Fk.iNv > Norway WhistleR 2-0
Brazil iG.Odin < Norway Eriador[pG] 0-2
Brazil iG.MasteR Norway 88)Rapide

Post game mini-interview with Norway Eriador[pG]:

What were your thoughts about Brazil before the match? Did they surprise you?

I knew that they had several pretty good but not special players. I was slightly surprised but not really.

Since you're in the same clan as Hellghost, maybe you can explain why he doesn't play NWs

the only way I can explain that is through him being inactive I guess. I haven't seen him online in a good while.

How did you feel about your games?

oh I played bad in the 1v1's. not really bad though, and odin played nice. I had played him before once or twice a long time ago and knew he was good though.. then I ended up randoming tvt 6 vs 12 temple first then zvt forbidden, neither matchup being particulary bad or anything, random zvt forbidden is actually pretty good, but I just kinda fucked up in both games and he took advantage of it.

he played nice.

you did win your 2v2's though

yeah its normally the other way around :P

me and rapide had never played before together either

Thank you very much for your time Eriador!

We have uploaded a replay pack for convenient download » here

GG and best of luck to both teams in the future!

WGTour.com - Full Report and Replays
TeamLiquid.net - Original Source and Discussion

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