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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Interview with Chr1s


Canada DreamScaR_X has brought us another interview of one of the main men behind PGTour.net. This time it's Canada Chr1s, Chr1s is the webmaster of PGTour and the right hand man of the PGT owner Canada [PaT].

DreamScaR X: Oh, that's kool.. Ok so who was the one who came up with the idea for PGTour?

Chris: Not quite sure, but I believe it was [Pat]. If I remember correctly he posted on BlizzForums.com that he wanted to make a website with a Starcraft ladder, so I offered to help.

DreamScaR X: I was always wondering how the Idea for this began.. So, your a Webmaster at PGT and you used to be an admin for Which other Gaming website?

Chris: At the time, I was administrator on BlizzForums.com and Co-Webmaster of WCLegacy.com, but when PGTour started off I had to quit WCLegacy.com because I didn't have much time left on my hands.

This is a very interesting interview to read, especially after the [PaT] interview. The link to the entire interview can be found below, enjoy.

PGTour.net - Read the entire interview here

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