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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Gosu)Rpf talkes to oG)Pride[tC]


Gosu)Rpf has made a interview with the Canada Canadian Protoss player oG)Pride[tC]. Pride playes for the Canadian national team and also in the clan oGaming.

The interview starts like a usual interview does, with questions about his race and other regular stuff. After a while they start to talk about oG)Pride[tC]'s latest passion: Making RWAs (Replays with audio). Pride has made six of them already. You can find all his RWAs » here.

Gosu)Rpf: recently you’ve started doing some really nice RWAs. what inspired you to start doing those?

- oG)Pride[tC]: well the community gave me a lot over the years and there is a HUGE demand for RWAs and little supply

- oG)Pride[tC]: after spending some time in the WC3 community I realized SC RWAs are really bad in general

- oG)Pride[tC]: and that I could do some way better ones then were currently being done so I grabbed a mic, fiddled with it and went to work

- Gosu)Rpf: nice I especially like the LindsayLohan vs. SoL.Sabbath PvT on Nostalgia. why did you choose that game?

- oG)Pride[tC]: well Lindsay and I are good friends and she recommended I do that one, it was a really close and exciting game to watch imo so I thought that would be a prefect RWA material

Gosu)Rpf did also make a replay pack with oG)Pride[tC], the pack contains 94 replays. Downlod them » here


Teamgosu - Read the Pride interview!
oGaming - Home of oGaming
Replaypack - Pride replaypack

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