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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

ISGSA.org Closes Its Doors


After 15 months of faithfully serving the Starcraft community, United States TopTalent, owner of the International Starcraft Gaming Site Alliance, or ISGSA, is now forced to shut the organization down. This will undoubtedly have a major impact on the community, as key websites will now have no host.

The ISGSA offered to host any starcraft-related website free of charge, giving generous webspace to everyone. Originally, it was best known for hosting the Chinese community site and replay database China yaoyuan.com. In an amazing show of generosity, TopTalent took on the great task of hosting the very popular forum-based website Europe TeamLiquid.net, a site which generates tons of bandwidth per month.

From there, the ISGSA expanded to host an array of useful sites to the community. Some notable ones include:

Gallery.ISGSA.org - Emlary's Photo Gallery, a large database of photos of Korean progamers and progaming events.
BwScanner.com - Home and server of the anti-hack program BwScanner, which has proved to be a very useful program.
Hautamaki.ISGSA.org - Site full of StarCraft-related strategies for every race

Two national teams also called an isgsa.org site their home. Clearly, the impact is widespread.

Possible Effects?

The sudden termination of these websites will certainly prove to have some negative effects on the community. WGTour's anti-hack ladder depends on BWScanner, whose host is now in jeopardy. Furthermore, teamliquid's VOD hosting service was also hosted on its own isgsa server, so this great aid to the community may soon cease to exist. Emlary's photo gallery, which thousands of people enjoyed to visit, suffers the same fate.

However, TopTalent is assured that panic is not necessary. To quote isgsa.org,

Please note that the ISGSA shutdown by no means indicates or predicts the future operations of any hosted sites and applications. So please do NOT panic and do NOT spread any rumors. I have plenty of reasons to believe that the owners of most major websites will be able to successfully arrange the transfer of their sites and provide continuous service for their visitors.GosuGamers.net would like to wish the best of luck to all of the affected sites in finding a new host and continuing to serve the community with great things.

TeamLiquid.net - Source
ISGSA.org - ISGSA Home

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