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StarCraft19 years agoRaistlin

Terran songs on guitar


Sweden FiRReN sent us a video clip of him playing the Terran songs on his guitar. It is really impressive, and it is never before released material!

People say that the music in StarCraft is horrible, and should always be muted. Some say it gets you in the mood for a all nighter with your beloved game. From the majority of the community, they say that the Terran songs are the best.
Artist:Sweden FiRReN
Size: 2,19 MB
Length:1.20 min
Download:» Here
Daniel Hernqvist, also known as Sweden » FiRReN obviously agrees. He sent us a clip of him playing the Terran songs on his guitar a while ago, and now we're sharing the experience with you, in case you haven't seen it already.

Have you done something similiar to this and want to share it with the community? Don't hesitate to send us a PM about it!

Sweden FiRReN jamming the Terran music on guitar

GosuGamers.net - Video of FiRReN playing Terran music on guitar
GosuGamers.net - Old news about the biggest StarCraft MP3 database

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