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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Gamevil Dual Tourney 04


Dual Tournament is probably the most stressful tournament for all progamers. You lose twice and you have to wait another 3 months until another Challenge League. You win twice and you get to the Starleague. Everything is decided in those 3 or so hours. That's probably why people call it the Death Tournament.

We will try to explain all the Korean leagues to those who do not understand how they work and hopefully bring you a little taste of what is happening in Korea at the present moment. Today we have for you the begining of Gamevil Dual tournamet 2004. This is a battle report of the games played in Group one.

Four players, GoRush (Z, GO), Cloud (T, KOR), Jju (Z, SouL), Rock/Kyo (P, P&C Curriors) played today in Group 1, only to advance to the dream of all progamers, Ongamenet Starleague.

Newbie Shield: Nat = natural, rax = Barracks, rine = marine, ling = zergling, M&M = medics and marines, BO = building order
Game 1 Requiem: GoRush Z3 vs Cloud T6New version of Requiem is used. 6 is changed in order to make minerals mined at a better rate. 12 is changed to not allow Zerg players to send a drone directly to 11 expo.

GoRush recently is on a winning steak, 8 consecutive wins at TV matches, not losing a single game in November. Cloud, being the Giant Killer, is also in a good mood, knocking out many good players and ranked at a high place at KT-KTF Premier League.

GoRush went 12-pool, since he was afraid of Boxer-styled 2 rine + 6 scv cheese rush, while Cloud went normal SBB build. After seeing that Cloud went normally, GoRush took Nat right away while Cloud prepared for ling raids with a bunker.

Although Cloud didn't have any weak points, GoRush used song lings to make Cloud cancel his academy which was being built. GoRush went lair right away while activating his Nat, then going Spire. After gathering a group of marines, Cloud tried to move up for harassment while GoRush built up to 3 sunkens. GoRush hid a ling in Cloud's base which slowed Cloud down. He teched to factory.

Then GoRush comes out with about 6 mutas, harassing Cloud's main, again slowing Cloud's rush timing. Cloud went 3-rax and an e-bay right after seeing GoRush's mutas but GoRush harassed very well with mutas so that Cloud couldn't go outside his base. GoRush takes another expo behind Nat.


After gathering about 2.5 groups of M&M, Cloud eventually moved up for offence, but GoRush had built up to 6 sunkens and had enough mutas to stop him from attacking.

Failing to attack, Cloud tried to take Nat but GoRush had about a group of mutas and kept harassing Cloud, killing SCVs and marines one by one. GoRush tecked to hive and kept harassing without even losing a single muta.

Unable to do anything, Cloud attacks GoRush's base but GoRush then uses about 2 groups of mutas to kill an e-bay, a rax and stops Cloud from mining at Nat. GoRush teched to greater spire, then made guardians, which finished all of Cloud's desperately attacking units and base. Cloud eventually attacked with about 2 groups of M&M but GoRush was prepared for it and Cloud typed out.

GG. GoRush > Cloud.
Want More? Click Below?This report was brought to you by South Korea DoubleStormIII and edited by myself. To continue reading it press the link that will take you to our Starcraft forum. If you think GosuGamers should have more Korean Leagues coverages of this type please, let us no now. If there is enough interest we will go into bit-torrent mania.

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