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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

JoSeZ in for Darki

[s]event_wcg[/s]We have just received word that young Peru LG)Darki will face the fact of a missing World Cyber Games event in San Francisco starting Wednesday, due to VISA problems. We have been informed that Peru JoSeZ who finished second in WCG Peru will take his spot.

This is not the first time this has happened, with players from both Russia Russia and China China having problems sending some of their squad members to the USA due to strict Government Travel policies. This is something that really needs to be addressed for future WCG events and will be argued heavily until then.

Commiserations to LG)Darki, who I'm sure will be extremely dissapointed by this bad news!

SG News - Recent JoSeZ interview

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