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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Broodwar AI Tutorial

bluemask.jpgThe RacineRama AI has reached a walloping 230,000 plus downloads between all the sites it was uploaded to, including pgr21, YaoYuan and YGclan. We now have an amazing how to tutorial on AI scripting

We are aware that the installer is sub-optimal and it does not work on every system, even though it works fine on most systems, but we are working to fix this. If you have sent an e-mail regarding this we appreciate your time and we will get back to you by e-mail with a better installer.

In the meanwhile a new AI project partner has joined us, Netherlands M_K, who will be helping with AI scripting and who has made the BEST AI SCRIPTING GUIDE on the web. He has put an incredible amout of work and detail into it. If you have always wanted to tinker with the Broodwar AI, but just did not know how to go about it, this tutorial is your ticket to becoming an AI scripter.

I have published it at » Entropyzero.org

Our Broodwar AI is also featured at the famous Korean site » Pgr21.com

We will keep updating the project slowly but surely until we are able to host a tournament where different AI scripts can be set to battle each other. We are also still searching for our holy grail: the unit micro AI scripts.

Entropyzero.org - Source

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