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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

France WCG Update

[s]event_wcg[/s]France Jca at bwchart.com has posted a very nice article about France WCG 2004. In it you will find video footage of the finals and in particular the battle between Kenshin and Elky.

You can also find pictures of many French starcraft legends. After watching it I was left with the impression that there might just be going on a Starcraft revival in France, a country that spawned Elky himself and many other great players. I do not know about our readers, but personally I get a warm fuzzy feeling every time I see Starcraft events with huge audiences and television crews in another language other than Korean. It fills me with happiness that what happened in Korea can happen in the rest of the world.

Pitch black sunglasses, Fog of war!
So the final would be ElkY vs Kenshin, a WCG final never played before. Kenshin not being too keen on TvT chose Zerg for the first game. Maybe not such a good idea when you know that TvZ is ElkY's favorite matchup. And indeed ElkY showed some great control vs lurkers. As Kenshin said after the game:

"There were many situations where I thought my lurkers could go thru his MMs, because they usually do when I play some A player on WGT. But he was controlling much better, and I didnt know what to do. There is really a difference of skill between any A player on WGT and a guy like ElkY".

In the second game, Kenshin went back to Terran, on Gorky. Both players being green (dark green for ElkY, light green for Kenshin), it was very hard for us to know who was who on the 3 main screens behind the stage. Game started quietly with both players going fast CC. Then it was all about map control and ElkY just went ahead and remained there. He finished the game with a symbolic nuke, not very useful but always enjoyed by the public.
You can go download the short video (two choices given, 25 or 9 megabytes) which is definitively worth watching at JCA's site » BWChart.com. Keep in mind, it's not about the game per se, but the cyber athletes themselves.

Aspeak "le beau gosse"

Coke or Corona? IIIce and Hasurdom

Kenshin ready to kill someone after his loss versus Elky

While you're at BWchart.com, make sure you vote in Jca's current poll and you will find some interesting results which might just explain why you may be having trouble winning lately.

For more information of the WCG France 2004 read our article » ElkY wins WCG France.

BWChart.com - Source
GosuGamers.net - WCG France

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