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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Site Review: The Hive

[s]starcraft[/s]A small interesting site, that caters to the fastest, money maps community. They are new player friendly and are the home of Clan Devil may Cry. They host two interesting features: A Starcraft novel in progress called BANE and a section dedicated to the Anatomy of a Hydralisk.

Most of us will never even consider the importance of the money map gamers in our community. Why is this if there are many more of them than of us? Despite outnumbering us 3 to 1 they remain on the side lines.

I have been sporadically interviewing BGHers and other money map players in battle.net and you will be amazed at how isolated they are despite being in number the majority of our community. Many have no idea what WCG or GosuGamers.net are. Newbies? You may ask. On the contrary, many of them have been playing Starcraft for years but they simply just stayed playing money maps and never “advanced” to our form of game. You may judge their game as “inferior” or “newbie” but that fact of the matter it is neither, it's simply a different game using almost the same rules.

Well this site and its community is just one of these money map micro communities. Check it out and you will realize they have just as much passion as we do for starcraft. Here are some of its features.

The Hive: Starcraft Resource Site
Home of the Hydro

Anatomy of a Hydralisk is a short section describing what we know of the Hydralisk anatomy. More amusing than serious, you can check it here
» Hydralisk Anatomy
"Hydralisks have an extreme sense of loyalty to thier own brethren- they fight along side each other and sometimes die to protect one another. Should you come along and foolishly harm one of the dros, the entire swarm will be knocking on your front door, blood-thristy for revenge!"
- Quote from Anatomy of a Hydralisk
Bane is an ongoing novel by United States deadfast. It is not a new novel and has been already published at SC.org but some of you may not have heard from it and we will be publishing the revised version, chapter by chapter, at our forums for those interested in Starcraft Fan Fiction or writing. I welcome you to leave your opinions at our forums. The author thrives of feedback and you may just help shape the next chapters. Revised Bane: Chapter one. Read it in our forums here » Bane SeriesNew FeatureWe will be reviewing websites no matter how humble or important they are on a weekly basis if they have something of merit. The idea is to offer our readers a wider knowledge of our community and hopefully some interesting material without falling into the prejudice of whether a site is “newbie” or not. I would like to warn that pointless criticism will not be tolerated.

For Starcraftgamers, NO Starcraft community is too little to be mentioned if they offer something of value to all of us. We strive to be a pluralist voice for the Starcraft community.

Zoxxer and I will be reviewing all submitted sites. Please send your best ones to us by e-mail or PM.

[email protected]
[email protected]

Illsmokum.tripod.com - Source
GosuGamers.net - Revised Bane: Chapter One

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