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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Sohu e-Sports

[s]replays[/s]So you made a good Starcraft related site that offers superior content and want to get the word out? Do not hesitate to contact us. We will give you a helping hand.

channel_logo.gifSometimes when we see good old sites die or stop being updated a little sadness is inevitable. Fortunately for every site that bites the dust, two new ones are born.
On the same page if you run a site that you do not want to host it anymore, find a friend site that is more active and donate them your content. Do not let your work just die.

For today's special mention we have a new Chinese site dedicated to replays only 2 weeks old. Yes, another replay database. New competition for YaoYuan? We will see, it certainly works faster due to the smaller volume of visitors so far. Like I always say, the more the merrier. The good thing is that it will be a good place to find very new material. It certainly has good backing; Sohu.com, the hosting site, is the top 3 website in China.

Add it to your ever growing replay folder.

» Sohu e-sports

Sohu means Fox and Sohu.com offers similar services as sites such as yahoo.
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Sohu.com - New Replay Site

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