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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

BWTV Beta is out! *

BWTV Beta has been released and works as a first person replay observer program - no servers for the actual BWTV Broadcast function are yet public!

[s]starcraft[/s]The famous BWTV program is out! Just like replays changed Broodwar forever I expect the impact of this program will be even greater.

It will change the progaming scene. It will change how gamers participate in tournaments. The growing tendency of Broodwar becoming a spectator sport will get the greatest boost it ever has had since replays and VODs came out.

Lasgo created a new application called BWTV. When a game is played, many many players can join that game in real time, and all are able to view the main player's screen and mouse control. It is like a real time first person VOD in StarCraft engine that uses streaming technology.

» Introduction Video

» Lasgos Program Pack 001 (Including BWTV and several other programs)

Update with guide and installation help

Since so many seemed to have encoutered problems with the BWTV program, we will now explain more in detail how to work the program.

First of all, this is a beta. There are so far no server programs released which means you will not be able to watch any games. Lasgo stated earlier that it's not probable that the server program will be released in public - he is at the moment currently thinking of only releasing it for NeoGame-i.

However, the program is still very useful at the moment even though there are no servers. BWTV does replace the use of the older program OP3 (Observer Pack) - first person videos from any replay! This means you can not actually see the cursor but the program imitates all the moves and actions taken by a certain player. You can switch between the players' first mode by pressing the hotkey "G" on your keyboard.


  • 1) Extract »
Lasgos Program Pack 001 into your Starcraft folder (the program will not work otherwise).

2) Once BWLauncher.exe is started, browse the path for your install.exe file which is found on your Brood War CD.

3) Select the program called BWTVObserver in the plugins menu. Check the box called "load on start" and then "open plugin dialog"

4) Select your prefered game mode (640*480 full screen, 800*600 full screen or windowed mode).

5) Check the boxes called Screen Interpolating, Unit Pinging and Unit Selecting.

6) Close the plugin dialog by hitting the cross in the corner.

7) In the BWLauncher.exe, a button called "Play 1.11b" should now be visible. Press it and start watching replays, switching between the first person observed player using the "G" hotkey.
If you for some reason did not make it work, make sure you a) extracted all BWTV files into the Starcraft folder or b) found the correct install.exe path. If it still does not work, try restarting BWLauncher.exe or rebooting your computer.

The first person option for BWTV is, as this is only a beta, having a few complications such as you can not change the fog of war settings or the program will cause some errors.

We will of course update you on the latest once new versions of BWTV are released, meanwhile have fun with the first person observing.

A big thanks to Czech Republic Lasgo from all of us!

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