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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Bwscanner Update

[s]starcraft[/s] Saint Steven, otherwise known as Italy Traveltoauir has updated Bwscanner, making it even more stable and increasing its reliabilty to almost perfection. He has also made the Mac version that has been out for some time already for those of you who missed it.

I have managed to play ladder in Battle.net with it succesfully and there are quite a few decent players using it in Battle.net ladder. At present BWscanner is available in all Battlenet servers and Stargate. It will be a mandatory feature of PGTour and it is currently beng tried out as an optional feature in WGTour. It is also used on Netwars, the main Polish private server.

BWScanner v1.10 E for Windows
BWScanner v1.00 for Macintosh

Click on the link below to download them. I will upload them to our download section tonight.

Some gamers find all this program stuff simply too much of a hassle to play with and rather run their luck and play a game against possible hack users. This is fine, I do it too a lot but it will hurt your style if you are playing a game and suddenly realize you might have a hacker opponent.
It is not a big deal anyway, beating a hack user is a special pleasure by its own virtue but there is one fantastic use for BWscanner that I have found.

Often you play a 2v2 and win and one of your opponents starts insulting his own ally and blaming the loss on that. When you correct him and explain why he lost he will almost invariably go into a rage of "1v1 now! Newbie I am owning ur *&%#a$$!!!", "dodge?", etc..

Now if I am not in patient mood and do not feel like ignoring the goading I have a good answer always:

"1:1 accepted ~ turn on ur BWscanner"

If they accept, you get an honest and heated match! If they do not, who is the newbie then? ;)

BWscanner.com - Download here

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