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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Clawson to San Francisco

wcgnordic2004coverage.gifMinutes ago Finland Matti "Clawson" Punkari won the Finnish World Cyber Games Preliminaries in Starcraft, 2004. For this, he will get a neat cup and a flight trip to San Francisco. It was after a thrilling final, best-out-of-five, that Clawson managed to beat Finland ToT)Ovvi( with three straight games! Ovvi was in the lead with one - nill since he came from winner brackets, and fought hard. The last game, number three, was played at Martian Cross and those ultralisks of Ovvi were fighting desperately, but still eventually stood no chance against Matti.

Matti tried to explain his current mood and all he could get out was "I feel excellent". He knew he had a good chance but never expected this!

A total of twelve players participated in the Finnish tournament where the winner was determined after a 16-player double elimination tournament á la best out of three. Clawson in bold will go to San Francisco for WCG 2004 Grand final:

WCG Finland 2004 Starcraft
1) Finland Clawson
2) Finland ToT)Ovvi(
3) Finland DSky.nApoLeOn

Replays from every player and every game will be published within hours! Congratulations to Clawson, who unfortunately had to leave and could not join us for a longer interview.

Ovvi (left) & Clawson (right)

Bracketmaker.com - Finnish tournament brackets

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