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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

RSGaming Nostalgia

minitasteless.jpgAs replay packs go, this is a pretty decent one. I divided it in three. It’s a 1.10 replay pack. If you do not want to deal with the hassle of watching 1.10 just download the first pack that has all the PvT, TvT And PvP games that you can watch with any patch. The other patches have all the replays with Zerg in it, or are 2v2.

United States Tastless[9], who used to belong to rS or RSGaming, became nostalgic one day and gathered all his replays from his good old days in this clan. You will find all of the old guard from rS, many good American gamers, and the infamous Canadian Testie in it battling each other and having skirmishes with the likes of yellow, xellos and grrr...

Tasteless is the older brother of Day[9] and founded the clan [9]. They are from Kansas city, U.S.A and both did very well in last year's WCG 2003 St Louis preliminaries, where Day[9] came first followed by Tasteless. A while back I made a news post about his brother who had managed to make it into his local news paper. You can check that old news paper article » here.

Let me quote Tasteless[9]'s own words about his replay pack. Two Seasons ago on WGTour the team called RSGaming won the WGT Clan league and managed to achieve the rank of 1 on WGTour 1100 pts above the next clan.

I have made a replay package of the players who were on the team. The line up consists of Testie, Day, Debit, Merlin, Maynard, LJT, Magoo, Tasteless, 311, Devaztayta, Rush, Rose, Whiz, Bulloch.

It is a large replay package containing 1:1s and 2:2s hand picked by me. All the replays are 1.10 and well organized and include games vs Korean pros, well known foreigners and high ranking WGT players. Enjoy!
» RSGaming Nostalgia 1 (PvT, TvT)

» RSGaming Nostalgia 2 (2v2)

» RSGaming Nostalgia 3 (reps with Zerg)

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