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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers


[s]wgt[/s]Great news at WGTour in their competition ladder system. Poland 1410)Ilintar has posted at WGTour an update. Some radical changes will hopefully take place. They have altered their ranking system and they will work on integrating BWscanner. This change alone will drastically change this ladder making it the only fair ladder with serious competition that is compliant with Blizzard since it will remain within Battle.net.
BWScanner integration: Thanks to TravelToAiur, BWScanner support has been integrated into the WGTour bot. For the start, you will be given the bws or BWscanner command and /w wgtbot bws player will show if that person is connected to BWScanner. Mid-season, after we test this feature, we will make BWScanner obligatory for WGTour ladder games
The other great advantage of this project will be that it will permit both, Italy TraveltoAuir and WGTour participants, to try and perfect a fair ladder system. It will take them a while and I suspect they will have to face many challenges yet to come. As always, the cheaters will always try and find a way to abuse the system. Let them, they do will play their part in making a better system finding its weaknesses. The quest for a good efficient system for Battle.net for non-hacked ladder or competitive games continues.

As I have mentioned before, anyone can also play with the original ladder system of battle.net and have hack free games using Bwscanner. There are two draw-backs. One is that you just may spend a week trying to obtain one such game were you opponent is willing to use BWscanner too. The other is ladder speed. I know there is software to correct this but then again both you and your opponent need yet another program. All this makes it cumbersome. At WGTour you do not have to worry about the game speed and if all goes well you will hopefully have a good number of willing opponents and still be able to play in Battle.net.

Now what happens if they succeed? What happens to all the cheaters? I suspect they will migrate back to battle.net pubs. I will write an article soon exclusively for them so they do not feel left out. Now the problem is that there are many more cheaters than people believe. Will they try a now a new honest clean slate? If they do not, expect mass exodus of participants form WGTour.

In the meanwhile Neo-Gamei has been demolishing all, Stargate included. WGTour has also taken a serious toll between the downtime and Neo-Gamei’s success. How many will remain to ever see the improved WGTour?

Then answer of course will depend on the whims of the Broodwar community. One thing is for sure, WGTour participants have and will decrease in numbers drastically but the remaining community will be fair and solid.

I wish them the best of luck and when they have Bwscanner as an obligatory feature I will even give it a try and participate. What will hold WGTour together? I advice you to go to their profile section and browse through their member profile and pictures or their gallery. It is there you will see why they will survive.

WGTour.com - Source
WGTour.com - WGTour Gallery

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