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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

WCG USA: Bad News

In an official statement by the WCG USA, it was announced that there will no longer be any online qualifiers.

WCG regrets to inform all gamers that there will no longer be online tournaments for StarCraft and WarCraft. This is due to Battle.net/ICM, who was to handle online gaming for these two games, not having lived up to their part of the agreement.

All gamers who have paid for online tournaments for StarCraft and WarCraft will be refunded. Please e-mail [email protected] if you do not receive a refund.

This does not affect online tournaments for Unreal Tournament and Counter Strike which will still continue as normal.

So if you have signed up and payed for the WCG USA Online qualifiers, please e-mail them to get your money back. This is very bad news for the WCG USA because there are already such a limited number of qualifiers, making the situation even worse.

WCG USA - United States World Cyber Games

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