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StarCraft21 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Interview: Legionnarie

[subject_interview]Mynock, currently working at TeamLiquid.net, recently made an interview with the Australian protoss player Legionnarie. The interview includes both humor and interesting information, I strongly recommend you to read this one.

Here's a quote from the interview:
Mynock: A burning question! Do chopsticks improve ur micro?
Peter: Yes young padawan, yes they do. The day I managed to catch 2 flies in a single chop stick motion was the same day I managed to micro 2 archons vs 20 wraith and kill the wraiths by attacking the supply depos below them
Mynock: I knew it!
Peter: Chopsticks are the way of the future my young friend... prepare for the new age :P
Mynock: *Puts on some water for the noodles*. Here we go...
Peter: :)

Press the links below to read it, gogogogogoog!

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