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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers


Xg3 from ScLegacy has come up with an interesting tournament idea: USA State Wars. It is an open tournament, meaning anyone is invited to participate. Every State in the USA holds its own preliminary and the winners of these proceed to the finals to represent their respective States.

Picture from ScLegacy, click on it for more news on the subject

If it works out I suspect there will be more interest in this tournament than the actual USA WCG online preliminaries which we all know were a failure due to little participation and a good degree of abuse. Let me quote United States Xg3's original post about the subject.I had this idea pop up in my head while I was watching the elections last night, and I'm wondering if there would be any interest in this type of thing: a State Wars tournament for Starcraft.

Basically each state that wants to participate can organize its own small preliminary on Battle.net whenever. We can set up forums where you can organize it amongst yourselves. Then the winner of each state (ideally 50 players) will compete in an SCL organized event and narrowed down to one state, which will win the tournament.

I am thinking that this type of tournament would give a chance for everyone to participate instead of being limited to top American gosus and what not. I remember doing a census and there were no players from Alaska and a few other states so we probably won't be able to get players from every state to play, but that's unavoidable so it's ok if there are a few states missing. Remember, we only need at least one player from whichever state for that state to participate.
The idea is simple and all it needs is one good organizer, should any other nation wish to emulate it. I really hope they pull it off successfully as the USA is in some serious need of Starcraft revival. The fact that United States Xg3 and United States RedCloak are behind the project is very encouraging. The hacking problem they can solve with bwscanner. The smurfing problem will be a little harder. Imagine recruiting China Pj for California and cremating Texas. I have a feeling he would do it with pleasure too.

ScLegacy.com - Source

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