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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Interview: JoSeZ

[s]interview[/s]One of the best players in Peru and South America, participated in WCG 2002 and this year came second in the WCG final after a year of Starcraft abstinence. His legendary TvT win in WCG 2002 against Boxer catapulted him into the international scene. His games usually show a keen intelligence and unusal skill.

Here is an interview and a small replay pack » JoSeZ Replay Pack.
The interview is also available in Spanish for download in a text file
» JoSeZ (entrevista en castellano)


Peru JoSeZ

The usual, age, place race?
25; Lima Peru (now in Huancayo city); Terran

Can you play the other races?
I have been playing Terran 3 or 4 years, and before that I was random, I did not do to bad, I remember participating in Australian ladders making it to top two but all that was in Starcraft times not Broodwar.

What is the future of Starcraft in Peru?

I suppose the future of Peru is promising with respect to the skill level but not in numbers of gamers.

The best in Peru are? In your opinion.

Lg)Dark, l.Stalker(te), Rivc (if he comes back), Neo/Rage/ezeze all good.

How did it go in WCG 2004 Peru? Satisfied?

Well it went well.. I started practicing for WCG 3-4 weeks before the final and at the start I felt slow and clumsy.. It was the lack of practice.. I left the game a long time and even worse I started playing Knight Online and I even kept on playing it up to a few days to the final, the game caught my attention, probably because it’s the first time I play this type of game. Anyway I cam 2nd place, almost, almost first; I feel satisfied.

Did it hurt you or you saw it coming?

If I had not left it for so long T_T, or if I would have started to practice a lot earlier, because here in Peru we did not know if we were going to have WCG and everyone was saying no. I found out it was there was going to be WCG a few days before it started. Nooooo!! I thought initially of not even participating because I knew I did not have the necessary skill but in the end I decided at least to try.

When was the worst moment?

When I left this game for almost a year..

The best one?

I think it was when I won the trip to Korea! In 2002, I could not believe that I was going to go and play against the best in the world that I only knew about from VODS, and see Korean girls live! XD

Do you think we are in need of a common portal for the Spanish speaking community of Starcraft?
Well one exists, or one could say it existed because now it’s almost dead T_T which is www.qpclan.org

Would you like Starcraftgamers in Spanish too?

I would like forums where we could write in Spanish for us Spanish speakers, so we could interchange opinions without having to do so in writing in English, and I do not think it will be hard to convert the page in Spanish.

What are your favorite forums?

Do you play in Neogamei?

No, no I have not played in it but I will start playing in it =d now that I will be involved more in Starcraft (that's what I hope)

Boxer, tell me you opinion of him? When you beat him in WCG did he behave well?

Well yes, I thought he was GM, and when I beat DIDI8 he thank me for it :) kwel! jajaja
And when he saw me around he would always say hello, I thought he was very GM.

Why did you beat him? Luck? Did everything just synch? Did he underestimate you?

I think everything just came out right for me.. it was also LT! and that map and you know that was the most played map, I have over 95% of my games and the difference was that he does not play that map as much us, well I was "an expert" in that map, and you won't believe this but I practiced a lot TvT in those positions in that map with SMASHING! (Terran user) He was the best player in Mexico in those days, when Ray_Escuadron was not showing yet.

Did you ever give him rematch?

No T_T, I think I found him in West, I have already forgotten his nick.. I was with SukeR and I asked him for a few games and we started one but there was too much LAG and we had to break it up.

Your hobbies apart from Starcraft?

Well I love music; at the beginning when Starcraft first came out my nick was DEFTONES in honor of their first CD, which till today I still think it’s their best CD.
I like Metal (not heavy), rapcore, trash, power, alternative and some punk etc.. I listen to Lostprophets, SystemofaDown, Slipknot, Incubus, Stutterfly, OnceOver, CannibalCorpse...

Any shout-outs?

Big regards to my starcrafters FKC)NEO, LG)RAGE, FKC)KYO, Nemesis,
T100 a Pokejhon, Titan Marte, Executor, Diablo, Sam etc.. to the people at Huancayo, Pepex, Hugo, ALEX, Davidkarate, Roberto, Primo, Krajham,
Ozzz, PioPios..
To the SALON (vavas , expucp, carlosgay, gayardo´s y blondito.)
and the girl I am in love MariaLuZ (K)

SG.com - Replay Pack
SG.com - Entrevista en castellano
SG.com - Peru WCG 2004 and Rep v Boxer

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