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StarCraft20 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Poll: Interested in WCG?

[s]poll[/s]It is now time for a new poll. The WCG playoffs are coming closer and closer, so we have decided to have a poll regarding the common interest for the big event.

But first, a review of the old poll. GosuGamers asked if people were satisfied with their national WCG preliminaries. The result of the poll can be viewed just below.

Are you satisfied with your
national WCG preliminary?

Despite a few things, yes, I guess I am.(30%)
Yeah! I'm very satisfied!(29%)
I have no experience with it!(18%)
Not satisfied at all :((14%)
Other (Comment)(7%)
370 votes. 23 comments.

As you can see, it seems like most things went just fine. 30% were happy despite a few things. Although, everything can be better than it is, or in this case – was. 29% were very satisfied. A good mark to the organizers of everything.

18% said that they didn’t have any experience with it. Maybe they haven’t been able to visit or follow the qualifications at all, which is a pity. Unfortunately, 14% were very unhappy and didn't like their country's preliminaries at all, which is too bad. 7% gave the answer “Other” and chose to give a comment about their thoughts.

As for the new one, we would simply like to know about your interest in the World Cyber Games event. Will you be just like me, trying to get as much information as possible and be really interested in all rumours and everything that spreads around the world? Maybe you will do just like Sweden Mazor and Sweden poGDI and travel a long, long way to take part where everything happens? Perhaps you live just a few minutes from San Francisco and don’t care about it at all? Give us your vote now!

How interested are you in WCG?
I will stay up all night checking the results!
I will check the results when I got time.
Just care who's winning...
Don't care, really.

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