He has been head referee twice, and has been a part of WCG for five years. His name is Joseph Kim, and has a Quake and Counter-Strike background.
- I think the best referee is a pious referee, he says in a recent interview at WCG.com

"They make sure it is always a fair playing field"
World Cyber Games is one of the absolute biggest offline tournaments in the gaming scene. For it to work properly, they need good and experienced referees to make sure the events run smoothly. "They're there to help the players if they have problems, to enforce the rules" he says, and adds that "they make sure it is always a fair playing field." Joseph also adds that it is very important to have referees from many different countries so they are able to communicate with every single player.
"Biggest stress? Telling people what to do."
Asked what the difficulties Joseph faces as a head referee, he says that he dislikes giving people orders. "I know some people like being in the position of command, but I personally don't take much pleasure from it." he says, and adds that he prefers to be more laid back and making people laugh. But still, when he is on the job, he does the job.
One of his toughest decisions in his WCG referee career is demanding a re-play in a Counter-Strike tournament. "I felt bad because the team leader of the accused team was a solid and outstanding guy and I don't think his team deserved to lose." Although later he says that it was the fairest decision at the time based on the situation.

WorldCyberGames.com - Read the full interview here