Mass muting in West. The issue resolved a few hours after leaving many scratching their heads. What is Blizzard up to now? Who cares, game on!
As usual the Makers above have whims that are as mysterious as their purposes. From the heavens descended a cloud like no other before in our time. It removed the voices of many gamers in's West gateway and shunned them into the void.
In a mere blink of an eye, the time it takes a cat to sneeze, the Overlords watching above clenched and choked the necks of thousands upon thousands of lowly mortal battle boys. Then when the air was heavy and scarce, just when shear panic and fear gripped the hearts of the weakest amongst us, the void evaporated and everyone's voice was returned.

Ok, Ok I get carried away but here is the scoop. Today pretty much out of the blue many users peacefully doing their thing at in the West gateway were muted en masse without reason. Even those using legal CD key's and no third party programs were not spared.
After some classic battle boy confusion and panic the diligent techs reverted the mass mutings almost as mysteriously as they had appeared. It was rumored that a MartyT, a battle tech posted this reply to the questions of a user in panic possibly in order to calm the muted battle boy's terror.
"MartyT.Support@Blizzard: there was no fire or earthquake, just a "glitch" that we're correcting... It ought to be fixed within a couple of hours, give or take a little."
Shortly thereafter this post appeared in the Status page:
The recent muting in USWest was unintentional and should now be corrected. If you are still experiencing mute issues, you can try disconnecting and logging back in to
We apologize and appreciate your understanding.
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The Team
I have avoided using the word "corrected the problem" myself because as far as I can guess the event might have been very much intentional. Maybe a test that went too far? Questions do remain. What were they up to? Why the "glitch"? Why the ".."? Wisdom comes with age, if not ask the devil himself, so here is one word of advice to all users, specially those who plan on using third party programs in the near future: Beware.

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