Better late than never? Finally, we have been able to collect all the answers to our Q-PAD tournament and made contact with Hydro. We have found the best answer, and he will be awarded a QPAD Gamer LowSense, QPAD Glidz, QPAD Wristband and a QPAD keystrap. His name is Phobe, and gave us quite a nice answer. Violent, but still.

First, we would like to apologize how badly this competition have been administrated. However, due to the original administrator disappearing and not answering our calls, we could do nothing. He had all the answers, and even if we so much wanted to give you the results, we could not. We are sorry.
- QPAD® Gamer LowSense - QPAD® Glidz - QPAD® Wristband - QPAD® Keystrap |

Well the craziest thing I would do to get a Q-PAD would probably go out and destroy all other companies, EXCEPT for Q-PAD leaving Q-PAD to be the ruling industry in everything. After recieving the Q-PAD i plan on using it for everything, especially beating people, like the people who say Q-PAD sucks, I plan on beating them to death with my Q-PAD, and stragle them with the Mouse :). I also believe I deserve this Q-PAD because I could be the Q-PAD Mascott and attack other Mascott's because i am 6'1 and weigh 220 LBS, and i dont think anyone wants to mess with a Q-PAD Mascott who is 6'1 220 LBS, because he can do some damage, and truly represent Q-PAD well.
Congratulations to Phobe, who won the Q-PAD package filled with goodies from Q-PAD. Below are some other answers who we thought was a bit special, and wanted to share with you:
Buy myself a Nintendo 64 and a Starcraft 64 Cartridge and play it from start to finish only using my left hand to prove my worthiness as a gamer.
I would stand on top of an electrical pylon to get electrocuted whilst shouting "BROOD WARS FOREVER"
Like the Crazy norrlaening I am, I would go to your place MYSELF to pick it up. I would also both KISS And HUG you as a thank you!
I would also bring 3 roses, which in the flower language means "I love you"!
I would take care of it as if it was my girlfriend, wash it... take really good care of it... buy a new mouse so it wouldnt get scratched from the old one... I would clean and wash the table so it'll have a clean spot to stay on.
I would also give it a name, I would baptise it in Water Beer and Wine!
Bringing you live coverage from that event aswell!
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