Blizzard Entertainment has announced the official BlizzCon Fan Art Contest. This contest will run from August 2 through on August 16. We have chosen one as our PTOW. We hope our Starcraft bethren has mercy over us.

All submitted fan art drawings should contain No borders around the artwork and should be sent to us using the Fan Art Submission form as the following formats: Flattened Photoshop file (.psd), .TIFF, .EPS, .JPEG, .BMP, .GIF. Size Rules: Files must be saved out at 300 dpi and saved in CMYK mode; Minimum Size = no smaller than 8" x 10", Maximum Size = no larger than 16" x 20", Maximum File Size = 5 Meg.
We know the fan piece called Glare has been featured already in one of our news, but never as POTW, but despite this we wanted to give it a place since it is one of the few submission lately about Starcraft. Maybe this will inspire some more Starcraft fan art. Besides, we prefer this marine to the previous guy. There is something for our WoW and Warcraft fans.
Blizzard Gallery

by Brian Cosmiano (HoodZ)

by Lee sang don (Ness)
Links - Fan Art Gallery