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General19 years ago

Kalle wins GosuBet Beta

After a long beta period, GosuBet will be closed for the final editing before the launch of the first season. We present to you the winners of the beta season!

Despite the fact that the beta season featured bugs - which a beta is made for - and some people did not get their minerals back correctly, the beta season still named five persons to fairly be called the best betters so far. Naturally, they must've had some luck since they don't seem to have any minerals "stuck" like many of the rest of us have, though you might call that a strategy too - not betting on matches likely to be walkovers, since it was at walkovers most minerals were stuck.

4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 6175 Norway 1. » Kalle Karl Erik Drivenes Hevrøy
4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 2127 Poland 2. » Zupa Piotr Precz
4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 1478 Germany 3. » [TAK]Storm-Eye Hauke Bartel
4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 1193 Sweden 4. » JacobDaKung Jacob Rubenson
4794757ee838ea9296faef2bf4a4fc1f820fc6d32d03d886386c5e1cc3.gif 1192 Canada 5. » MaRiO.BrOs_ Simon Bine

Kalle, a 16 years old Terran gamer from Norway, ended up first with 6175 minerals safely in his pocket. GosuGamers spoke to Kalle for an interview;

Norway » Kalle, a frequent visitor, who also participated WCG Nordic 2004, won the GosuBet beta with 6175 minerals.
  • Did you expect to win when first entering the GosuBet?
    Hehe, no, but I really thought it was a great idea so I wanted to achieve top 30. But first place was not what I thought of but I take it as a bonus :P

    What was your strategy when betting?

    Well if I'm betting on a team I like to check how it's status is right at the moment and not to look for former achievements. At the gosubet match pG vs rS I knew that rS had become much stronger in the last days before having testie ready on their lineup and some other good players. So thats why I betted on rS. I knew pG wasn't on the top at that moment.

    What was your greatest loss or upset?

    That must be Testie vs Breakdown in KOTH, I went all in on breakdown because I knew he would win and then all the shit happends and the match does not finish. Although I didn't lose any minerals I knew I could have won alot if the match was finished. But the greatest loss is definitely when I betted 1000 minerals on [aegis] vs tot.

    And your greatest win?

    To get Mazor's MSN by winning the season and the gambling bet I had on schniblor vs Draco. Let's just hope you don't delete me because I think ur msn is kinda full.

    It is. Though I've got more than one msn to cope with it all so no worries. Tell us about your gambling on schniblor vs Draco!

    Hehe, well draco had just beated Trek pvz and Treks zvp is not most people have a chance against, but on the other han I had seen schniblor doing great lately. I didn't know that Draco started with 1-0 after I betted so I was also very lucky.

    Could you tell us some comments about the GosuBet structure, idea and system? What can be changed, what did you like in particular?

    Well I like the system very well and the only thing I think you can do better is to add more matches, like clanwars from division 2 and maybe some korean matches even though we have liquibet. And becides some of the errors which occured I think the system works well.

    Thanks. Lastly, any tips to other registered gamers when betting?

    Don't bet on the part with the highest percentage, there is almost no use to bet on a part with 90%, try to find good matches like 40 % to 60% and so on. And I would like to send my greetings to all my friends/lovers in team NW. You roX!

While the rest of us lick our wounds for not winning, let's also get prepared for the next season. Since GosuGamers wish to improve the GosuBet to such a level where it's all working, no minerals are stuck, walkovers are working and bets are shown in profile, we have decided to launch the first season Friday the 29th of July. Expect some nice updates on the system by then and please have patience in waiting - thanks for participating in the beta season, to all of you betters. Congratulations Kalle!

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