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General14 years ago

The beginning of the end for poker stats tracking sites?

08febc26cea46a0dad12522383265c0e0c4de921ddeb8e1487b7c02920.jpgFull Tilt Poker has stepped up its fight against blocking data tracking sites this week by adding sit 'n' go database site There has been great controversy regarding sites that track, publish and profit off the sale of individual online poker player's results and statistical information.

Full Tilt had already implemented blocks of access to its table, seriously affecting that site's ability to track players results.

"It is with great disappointment that we here at Sharkscope must report that our coverage of FullTilt is currently compromised due to an apparent change in FullTilt's policy regarding data retrieval from their site," a statement on the blog reads today.

"We are continuing to work on the problem and are still optimistic about restoring full coverage; but this may take some time."
The last part of the quote seems to indicate that Sharkscope may try to find away around the blockage and policy.

If the major poker rooms are serious, this move could spell the end of what many high stakes regulars and even ambitious lower stakes players have come to consider a necessary part of their, studying up on their opponents. Sharkscope has become a regular source for players to access their opponents' buy-in rate, numbers of games played, ROI and overall results.

If PokerStars were to follow suit in blocking the major player stat sites from access, the entire data mining industry could go in a tailspin.