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Riot to buff Ahri, Kayle, Rumble, Miss Fortune, Jarvan IV, Twitch, and Xin Zhao in League Patch

League of Legends‘ Patch 10.18 looks to be a bit busier than its predecessor, bringing a collection of buffs that might push some champions into the spotlight both in solo queue and on the professional stage.

For example, Ahri is getting a plethora of adjustments to her kit. Her passive, Vastayan Grace, is now being removed. Instead, her passive is now Essence Theft, which was originally the passive on her Q ability. Meanwhile, her Foxfire ability is being changed so that it can be used more reliably as a wave clearing tool.

Foxfire will grant 40 percent movement speed that decays over 1.5 seconds, and will also deal 200 percent damage to minions below 20 percent health. 


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