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LoL10 years agoDreXxiN

EU LCS Week 2: Stats 'n' Fun Facts



KDA & Farm Awards

Three of these spots are retained by the same three players, while "Most Farm" has shifted from Forg1ven to CandyPanda.  While Forg1ven did have to play more games last week, he was surpassed by 20 CS in the farm averages this week.  Svenskeren still has the most deaths at 31, acquiring 9 more from last week where he was at 22.

The bottom lane of Fnatic continue to dominate this category with Rekkles now up to 38 kills and YellOwStaR now up to an incredible 61 assisted kills for his team. YellOwStaR continues to grow into possibly the strongest support in EU after his initial transition from marksman in Season 3.

Not only is Fnatic on top of the standings in score, but their individual KDAs are also through the roof.  That's right, every single member of Fnatic leads their role in KDA scores, with the absolute lowest being xPeke with 6.1, right behind Cyanide's 6.2.  xPeke has stepped out of the spotlight of his team this season and has allowed the credit to be more evenly distributed this time around. 

sOAZ and Rekkles had absolutely incredible KDA's this time around, with sOAZ chiming in at 16.3 and Rekkles at 17?.3. sOAZ has continued to prove that he is a world class player and outshines many top laners in his own region while Rekkles has not disappointed in living up to the hype generated by him being underrage and waiting to prove his dominance, heralding a main spot on Fnatic.


Fnatic's KDA is even higher than it was last week, significantly outshining all the other teams, with the closest being ROCCAT at 6.32.  SK Gaming has taken the most deaths spot away from Supa Hot Crew, who had two more than them last week but now have ten less.

While having less than half of Fnatic's KDA, it's interesting to note that Gambit Gaming is actually in the lead with kills by 4.

?Most Contested

Most of the top ten haven't altered much from last week, but the most noteworthy thing to mention is that Shyvana has dropped from the 2nd most contested champion to below Dr. Mundo at 6th. The nerfs means that Dr. Mundo has less competition in the top lane, therefore he's actually climbed a bit.  Vi has been receiving significantly more bans this week due to it being a top pick for any ganking jungler.

We also saw the introduction of a lot of strange picks this week, such as Kennen support, Nunu, lots of Pantheon jungle, and the resurgance of Shen.





ROLEDay 4Day 5
Toprenekton (3)renekton (3)
Junglepantheon (3)vi // olaf // elise (2)
Midleblanc (2)gragas // orianna (2)
Marksmanlucian (3)jinx // caitlyn (3)
Supportthresh (2)leona // thresh (2)


ROLEDay 4Day 5
TopEnglandfredy122 (329.4)England fredy122 (332.33)
JungleDenmark Svenskeren (154.4)Poland Jankos (176.33)
MidDenmark Froggen (345.2)Spain xPeke (346.8)
MarksmanGermany CandyPanda (360)Germany CandyPanda (380.17)
SupportArmenia Edward (56.8)Armenia Edward (52.67)



  • Shyvana has the highest pick rate, but only a 31% win ratio, winning 5 out of 16 games.
  • Out of the three main marksmen (Jinx, Cait, Lucian), Lucian is the only one to not have a positive win rate.
  • Jinx is still queen of kills at 78, followed by Cait at 51 and Lucian at 49.
  • Morde is the only champion left in the EU LCS with an "infinite" KDA due to not dying in the one game played.
  • Warwick has the highest KDA for any single champion, topping off at 26.
  • Kassadin, Elise, and Annie have been picked or banned in 23/24 games.
  • Lucian has the most CS with 4594, but does not come close to having the highest average CS.
  • Caitlyn has the second highest assist score (112), with only Thresh beating it (115).
  • CowTard and YellOwStaR are the only two players to have not used the same champions again.
  • Elise and Kayle are the only champions to have been played three or more times with 100% win rate.



Previous Stats 'n' Fun Facts

Written and formatted by: Michale "Drexxin" Lalor
Graphs & Data by: Kelsey "Prehistorique" Moser, Garry "Aegyo" Chen
Rotator Photo - Gambit Gaming


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