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LoL11 years agoDreXxiN

GosuRankings - overall strengths Season 2 onward


Our last iteration of this feature was in May directly before the launch of the second version of our site. Korea had dominated by sheer quantity in the top spots, while World Elite represented the throne for an extended period of time.  These were also the times when NaJin Sword, CJ Blaze/Frost, and Taipei Assassins flourished on the rankings where now, only one of those had competed in Worlds.  Now, we lay the foundation of the rankings after the most important even of the year and keep you updated each month, comparing it to the last.

So how are GosuRankings calculated?

GosuRankings work very similarly to your typical 'MMR' or 'Elo' system. We've recorded pretty much every match since the start of the Season 2 World Championships into our GosuBet system and the results of the game progress the teams upwards or downard based on results. Like in a ladder, a team will gain more elo defeating a stronger team and lose more elo if defeated at the hands of a weaker team. Something also taken into consideration of the algorithms is the importance of the events as well as the relative strengths of each team's region.  For instance, North American and European LCS wins grant less points than LPL or OGN points.

For example, if Counter Logic Gaming theoretically defeated Team Coast in the Season 3 World Championships, it would reward them much higher ranking points than if they had faced each other in, say, the NACL.  We plan on implementing a decay system soon where the less active teams lose points, but for now, we look at how strong the teams are collectively rather than where they've recently prospered.

If you wish to look at the full rankings and see how teams have fluctuated within the system and who they've won or lost against to gain their points, feel free to visit the LoL rankings page. With that said, here are some interesting facts to look at in accordance to the way teams have shifted around since May.

- Please note these screencaps were taken before Vulcun's name change to XDG Gaming - 

Top 20 Rankings?

>>Click here for Full Rankings page





































Regional Strength

Top 20 teams by region

Korea Korea6
China China5
Europe Europe4
Southeast Asia3
United States North America?2


Conclusive Notes

  • Dominating so hard in Season 2 allowed Taipei Assassins to stay on the chart
  • SKT T1 received a huge surge of points for winning the Season 3 World Championship
  • OMG trails slightly behind SKT T1 due to their overwhelming dominance in their region
  • Fnatic has always won where it matters, so even with a <70% winrate, they place third.
  • Singapore Sentinels has consistently placed 1st or 2nd in their regional tournaments, resulting in high standings
  • ahq went 24-4 in GPL, carrying their standings even though they've not placed well in other lans.
  • As a testament to their strength, KT Rolster Bullets is top 6 without even attending Worlds for points.
  • Gambit Gaming finds their first time under top 10, falling behind a whole slew of Korean teams.
  • Korea still dominates in sheer quantity of top competitive teams, with China trailing behind
  • Cloud 9 has the highest win rate of any team on the top 20 chart (87%)
  • Positive Enegy and XDG Gaming have the lowest win rates (55%)

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