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Dota 29 years ago

Immortal Treasure II Released

The long awaited second Immortal Treasure of the 2016 Battle Pass has now arrived.

The new Immortal Treasure II is the second chest for the 2016 Battle Pass. Unlike the past compendium, this year the Immortal Treasures I, II, and III were given out to users who purchased the Battle Pass and is only available through leveling. The treasure introduces immortal items to eight heroes, with one golden version, that enhances the visual effects of certain skills.

Introduced in the new treasure are immortal items for Windranger, Undying, Riki, Morphling, Lich, Earthshaker. Like the Immortal Treasure I, it also gives a chance to grant rare items for Mirana, Riki (which is a golden version), and Invoker with increasing odds per opening of the treasure.

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Source: Dota 2