Facing off against Fnatic for a spot in the Starladder i-League #2 SEA qualifiers grand finals, MVP.P were defeated and eliminated 0-2.
Fnatic will be moving on to face Mineski in the best-of-three grand finals which will decide the SEA representative at the Starladder i-League LAN event in North America later in the year. The SEA representative will be facing off against seven other international teams for a portion of the $300,000 base prize pool.
Game one
It was a 10k gold hill to climb, and Fnatic managed to do it. Starting off with a poor laning stage, Fnatic allowed MVP.P to secure farm on all three lanes and shut down their Spectre. When things were looking bad, Fnatic was given a chance after MVP.P decided to set a slower tempo in the mid-game despite their strong start. This slowdown allowed for Fnatic to farm and through a combination of good predictions and Scans, they were able to avoid nearly all of MVP.P's smoke ganks. When MVP.P's Alchemist became an issue, Fnatic was once again barely able to hold, managing to trade team wipes with MVP.P. When the late-game came around, Fnatic's Spectre achieved a Rampage, and riding the momentum, they ended the game.
Game two
Game two boiled down to a dance between carries. The early game went equally well for both teams and the mid-game featured a series of traded kills. As Fnatic's Ember Spirit farmed his Boots of Travel, the dance between both teams began. Both Fnatic's Ember Spirit and MVP.P's Nature's Prophet poked and prodded the enemy's heroes, looking for pick-offs. After a few tense Rosh attempts and smoke ganks, Fnatic was able to ambush and wipe MVP.P after thier Ember Spirit forced MVP.P to rotate while their Spectre's Haunt was on cool-down. This team wipe led to two sets of Barracks and a GG call.
Headline and banner picture from Fnatic's Facebook page