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Dota 210 years ago

Mushi talks Team Malaysia and more

In regards to his departure from the team, Malaysian superstar Mushi has explained himself via his Facebook page, talking about various things, ranging from his recent Huskar and Riki bans to as to why he left Team Malaysia.

Mushi on...

... banning Riki and Huskar every game:

Mushi himself thinks, that Team Malaysia had "the largest hero pool than other teams, so we skip the 2 bans. Opponents will have large hero pools to play but we have it too." Considering the team was on a 19 game win streak and won the Thailand Championship LAN, he does not regret his decision to do so, but considers never using the strategy again.

... forming Team Malaysia and not staying with Team DK:

After The International 2014, former Titan members approached him to form a new team. At the same time, it was clear that both Burning as well as Lanm would retire. Even though both MMY and Iceiceice assured Mushi they would stay on if he stayed, Mushi decided to return to Malaysia, despite having "earned quite some money in China compared to last few years in SEA." But he felt that "Team DK without complete of 5 members are not Team DK." While Mushi did not include this in his statement, it is also believed that health issues plagued Mushi in China, which was a deciding factor in his decision making.

... his relationship to Yamateh:

People have been wondering as to why Mushi and Yamateh have not teamed up again and Mushi explains that while they have no resentment towards one another, they "both have different understanding about professional gaming and a different mind set in-game, so the two of us can't be in the same team. But we will still say hi when we meet each other."

... the team splitting with Titan:

Mushi does mention that there were apparently some issues between the organization and the players, but does not elaborate on it as he was not part of the team and points out that it is not his place to talk about it.

... Team Malaysia not having a sponsor:

It was apparently Net's idea and thoughtprocess that a sponsorship would put pressure on the players to perform and as long as the team did not perform to their expectations, they would not sign with a sponsor, even though they had a lot of offers. When the team was performing however, sponsorship talks were apparently getting more concrete and now that Mushi has left the team he "pass[ed] all the sponsorships contacts to Captain Khoo, I hope they will announce the new organization soon."

... leaving the team:

"We are more than teammates,we are the very best friends, and even now we are still good friends. I admit, as a Coach or Captain, I've been very strict towards them, as I have always been treating myself very tough. And I've 
always set high expectations for myself. They can play more comfortable without me. I will continue chasing my dream, although I’m not sure where my next destination is, maybe China or a Western country."

Lastly, Mushi directs words of gratitude towards his fans and supporters. 

Mushi has announced on stream that he will be travelling to Beijing shortly without going into details as to why he will do so. At the same time, rumors about 71 building a new team have come up in China. 


Find the whole statement from Mushi here

Headline and news image by ECL
