Morf-designer of catches up with Empire.Mag at Techlabs to talk about how he feels about Empire's win at ESWC and his opinions regarding management's decision to include Resolution in the current linup and Solo's situation
How do you evaluate your win at ESWC? Did you have any feeling that you won a big tournament and you’re on the road to success now?
We could feel that way if we won Starladder with Na’Vi and Alliance being present. There was a similar situation last year where Na’Vi and Dignitas played in the finals while the other teams were weak and not playing at the same level. We can be proud of this win at ESWC but it wasn’t significant.
Some teams underestimate tournaments like ESWC and Techlabs and fail to show their true performance potentials. Did empire encounter any sort of problems when it comes to preparing for these tournaments?
If we had any chance to prepare better then we certainly would do it. It didn’t happen because of the situation regarding changes to our line up really took a lot of our time to sort out. We had a discussion and thought the changes would come after Techlabs but we haven’t had much training with Scandal so management decided to make a substitution and add Resolution for Techlabs. Everyone is satisfied with the current situation and the team atmosphere is great so we’ll see how it goes from here.
Is it an achievement to be ranked among the top three at Techlabs?
Maybe for VP but not for us.
What is your opinion about the situation with Solo?
I feel for him but he deserves the punishment. I don’t see any reason to take the kinds of risks he did when I could lose both my career and reputation just to get a couple of hundred dollars.