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General11 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Select not one of the chosen for WCS AM Premier

Photo: MLG
Challenger League continued last night for WCS America with Group G. Apocalypse, Hack, Select and Center went at it for a chance to return to Premier League.
Three years ago it was neither Innovation, nor Mvp, nor MarineKing who was the silent terror of the western scene. Instead it was Select. With control and multitasking like no other Terran this side of the hemisphere, he taught many a Protoss the importance of learning to defend against midgame drop harass. But somewhere along the way he fell off. One supposes it was inevitable once Boxer and his crew of ironclad Terrans followed Mvp through the MLG circuit. It didn't matter how well you were doing or who you were -- Select or Incontrol -- the Koreans knocked you down.
After a continuous decline in Starcraft 2, and a brief stint with Dota, Select is back. His old team Dignitas has accepted him with arms open. His skill, on the other hand, is not quite there yet. Here we see a once great Terran, approaching what is perhaps a Jinro-like state of mediocrity. 
Select is 3rd in the group, with a total of 2-5 in map score. Above him are Hack and Apocalypse, with 5-3 and 4-1 respectively; below him, in ignominy, stands Azubu's Center.
WCS America Challenger League continues tonight with Group H.

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