The interview was conducted by Edmund "Llama_lord" Munday at Mall of Asia Arena in Manila, Philippines, during day two of the Manila Major playoffs
Hey guys, this is Llama lord here for Gosugamers and I’m here with SirActionSlacks. Slacks how are you?
Oh I am doing so good!
Awesome, so how are you enjoying the event so far?
The event's really awesome! I’ve been to a lot of events so far in this recent six months and the crowd here in Manila is like, unbelievably hyped; I’ve never seen a crowd so hyped, seemingly for almost no reason. I mean teams that they like, teams that they hate, they just scream all the time… its great; I always feel like I’m doing something.
Yeah they’re an awesome crowd here. So what do you think of the event so far in terms of the games?
Oh man, the games have been absolutely incredible; I mean, Just the Alliance – Na’Vi game series last night; It was midnight, we should have been tired, but we were all just up and screaming after like, a sixteen hour workday… That was one of the hypest game series I’ve ever seen.
Absolutely crazy! So what’s your prediction or the tournament?
For the tournament? Oh boy, well my DC boys just got knocked out, so… I don’t actually care anymore! No I’m just kidding; probably Team Liquid… but I also say Empire… I kinda want this one to be Empire’s. Empire never gets a good win, they’ve got a brand new squad, and they seem like they want it real bad, and this is the tournament of the underdogs you know? All the big dogs are out; Secret, EG, Alliance – get the hell out of here! This is about the newbies; so I wanna see some underdog Empire action.
Good to get some fresh blood! Alright, last question; what are your predictions for TI6 in terms of invites?
TI6 for the invites? Oh man, this is what I will call the ‘Drama Incarnate’. This is gonna be, just the primordial drama that we are going to remember it forever! I can’t wait; who knows about invites, but all I know is that it will not be like anything we’ve seen yet.
Awesome; thanks for that Slacks, really appreciate your time.
Hey, thank you very much; been a pleasure!