Welcome back ladies and gentlemen; this is your live coverage of day 3 of the Manila Major.
We've got some awesome content coming up for you all today.
Our interview with Capitalist should be ready for you all sometime later in the day; we're going to go hang out at the Secret Shop for a bit and talk to some fans; and hopefully, sometime this afternoon, we'll be able to spend some time talking to Godz.
Remember to keep checking back throughout the day as updates go live.
11:33 am: DC v VG.R
DC is one game up already after picking apart VG.R in game 1.
VG.R are back on the offensive though; scoring several early kills in game 2 and getting some all-important farm on their Gyro.
We've seen the Wisp a few times this tournament to varying levels of success; it'll be interesting to see if VG.R can properly utilise the hero.
11:57 am:
VG.R have taken Game two in fine style; absolutely destroying DC from the opening of the game, all the way through to the GG.
VG.R outdrafted DC from the very beginning; picking up the IO and Gyro and taking the momentum early on. They ran with this momentum all the way through to the end; never giving DC even a hint of hope to get back into the match.
12:28 pm: Game three is underway.
Game 3 of VG.R v DC is now underway.
Both teams have a strong draft and a good start. W33 scored his signature Invoker and DC's Clinkz has gotten some early farm. On the other hand, VG.R has pulled out the Terrorblade; a hero we saw used to such good effect yesterday.
Ten minutes in, VG.R seems to have a slight lead with a solid tower advantage and one of the highest ever farmed Terrorblades in competative Dota history; the kills remain tied at 4-4 however.
12:41 pm:
VG.R have over-extended in DC's bottom lane; attempting to pressure the T3 tower has backfired horribly and allowed DC to take a 4-0 fight and with it, the lead in this game.
But within minutes, VG.R have remedied their previous fault; catching out DC in the Radiant jungle and taking a 3-0 fight for themselves and then picking off the Clinkz who was out of position in the top lane.
As quickly as it began, DC's lead has ended.
12:47 pm:
VG.R make a move into the Rosh pit but DC are close behind.
One of the most amazing team-fights of the tournament follows. Heroes drop like flies on both sides with the Terrorblade cleaving through the heroes of DC.
Although DC didn't come out on top, the Aegis of VG.R was burned and the Terrorblade killed off, slowing VG.R's momentum.
12:51 pm:
VG.R push into the mid T3 with Exorcism and Metamorphisi; cleaning up DC's T3 tower and beginning to chip away at the rax.
A gorgeous inititaion from DC pushes VG.R back though; scoring a kill on the Terrorblade early and then moving on to the rest of the team. The rest of VG.R fights back valiantly though, scoring kills with the Earth Spirit and Batrider.
1:06 pm:
VG.R takes the win and the series.
VG.R kept up the pressure on DC, never giving them a second to think as VG.R used the Exorcism and Terrorblade to siege the rax and slowly push through to the victory.
3:21 pm:
We just caught up with SirActionSlacks and grabbed a quick interview. Keep an eye out for our interview post coming up later on!
5:00 pm: OG v MVP Phoenix
Our next set for the day is guaranteed to be a big one.
The Western giants of OG are about to go up against the Korean titans of MVP Phoenix.
From the draft this looks to be an absolutely intense series.
7:37 pm: OG takes the series.
Well intense certainly is one word for that; terrifying another.
OG takes the series against MVP 2-0 in one of the most dominating performances I have ever seen at a proffessional Dota event.
If you missed that series you MUST checkout the vods.
In other news, we caught up with Godz tonight to have a talk about his personal journey in the world of Dota, and get his opnions on the state of Dota as a whole. That interview should be up sometime tomorrow.
9:18 pm: Newbee v Fnatic.
Newbee have succeeded in taking out Fnatic in a straight 2-0 victory; closing out today's games and securing them a spot in the winners bracket finals against OG.
There's still plenty of action to come though; join us tomorrow as we continue our live coverage. We'll have some info on the Secret Shop aswell as our interviews with Capitalist and Godz.