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Dota 29 years ago

Manila Major day 2 live coverage

photo credits: @Wykrhm Reddy

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, to GosuGamers ongoing live coverage of the Manila Major.

Day two is just about to kick-off and we've got some amazing Dota to show you guys today including a repeat of the El-Clasico, Alliance v Na'Vi.

We'll also be talking to some fans around the venue to see how everyone's enjoying the event so far.

Stay tuned throughout the day for updates as they come in.

10:00 am: Digital Chaos v Newbee.

Our first set of the day will see Digital Chaos going up against the tournament favourites, Newbee.

Although the casters predictions gave the match to Newbee in a clean sweep, the crowd predictions are actually giving away a 60-40 win for Digital Chaos.

Keep a close eye on Newbee's Wisp pickup to see if they can properly utilise the heroes utility and take the match.

11.30 am:

Newbee were successful in defeating Digital Chaos in game one; picking the team apart with relative ease.

Game 2 sees Digital Chaos changing up their strategy and going for a more push-centric lineup with the Lycan and Invoker. However, Newbee has a comprehensive draft that is going to make DC's job extremely difficult if they want to continue their run of wins.

11:40 am:

Digital Chaos seem to be clawing their way bag into this series. They've taken two fights in a row against Newbee now but Newbee are still very much in this game. The test will be whether DC can take advantage of the timing windows that's about to open up for their lineup.

11:43 am:

Newbee takes the Aegis and is able to disengage from the Rosh pit smoothly as DC moves in to contest Roshan. Newbee then rotates to middle lane and takes the T1 tower while Weaver zones out DC with the newly acquired Aegis.

Newbee now rotates towards top lane but are jumped by DC in the river and lose several heroes before losing a second fight and another 3 kills in mid.

11:53 am:

DC continue their powerful play; winning a fight outside Newbee's base and taking a T3 mid. Newbee responded by making a run for Roshan but DC intercepted them and took another fight plus the Aegis for themselves.

DC then push straight for Newbee's base and take two lanes of Rax.

11:58 am:

And we're going to a game 3 everyone.

DC pushed through bottom lane and picked apart Newbee's defence with ease. Everyone here is a little bit shocked; Newbee was expected to take the series without much contest. Game 3 is going to be intense.

12:25 pm: Newbee v DC Game 3.

Game number 3 of Newbee v DC is about to begin.

I'm not a fan of the DC draft if I'm honest. It doesn't have the element of flair and randomness that was provided by the Riki in the previous game. Newbee are too powerful of a team to let them sit in their comfort zone.

12:32 pm:

Things are not getting off to a good start for DC; Newbee picked them apart early taking a 5 - 1 lead.

DC have turned things around though with a solid team-fight in mid, slowing Newbee's momentum.

12:42 pm:

Newbee is continuing to pick DC apart as the heroes of Newbee have simply come online so much earlier than those of DC.

Several beautiful Chrono's have been complimented by some amazing Sunray play from the Phoenix to keep DC will and truly in their place.

12:53 pm:

DC are on the ropes. Newbee has a 21 - 6 lead with all their tier 2 towers still standing.

DC's Bounty Hunter simply hasn't been able to find the track gold they needed to properly snowball. Newbee are not being reckless though; falling back to secure the map unless they have a perfect initiation.

And just as I write that, Newbee feint into the Rosh pit and DC smoke in to ambush them. Little do DC know however that it's a trap. Newbee jump DC with a perfect Chrono just outside the pit and take a full five man wipe and with it, the GG.

1:32 pm: LGD Gaming v Fnatic.

Next up we have LGD Gaming going up against Fnatic.

The crowd here have gone a little crazy with the SE-asian titans coming onto the stage.

From some conversations I had with Fnatic staff yesterday I can tell you all that Fnatic have been preparing a lot for this set, so it will be interesting to see if all their focus pays off with a win.

2:30 pm: LGD takes game 1.

LGD has successfully defeated Fnatic in game 1 of the series.

Fnatic's Broodmother didn't end up being the trump card they needed to hold back the advances of LGD.

Fnatic still have hope though; game two will be starting soon.

3:00 pm:

Fnatic and LGD go back up against each other in game 2 of their BO3 series.

LGD again picked up the Lifestealer and Beast Master; however, Fnatic has gone for a more conventional draft this time round with a Medusa and a Terrorblade forming the backbone of their lineup.

3:23 pm:

Fnatic took the lead early on, taking a convincing level of control over LGD's side of the map.

LGD consolidated their position however, beating back Fnatic all the way to their base.

Just when it looked like Fnatic were on the ropes they took a monumental teamfight in bottom lane, destroying LGD 4-0 and retaking the momentum in-game.

Fnatic continued to put the pressure on LGD, taking the bottom and mid Rax before retreating to consiolidate their lead.

3:31 pm:

Fnatic has taken down LGD in game 2 of the series with a dominant performance on the Terrorblade supported by a refresher on their TideHunter.

Despite a few missed ravages, Fnatic were still able to out-teamfight LGD gaming and bring the series to a 1-1 decider.

The question remains, will Fnatic be able to carry the momentum through to an overall victory?

4:00 pm: LGD v Fnatic game 3

Game 3 between LGD and Fnatic is now underway.

LGD have again picked up their signature Lifestealer, with a well-rounded draft including a Tide Hunter and Earth Spirit to back it up.

Fnatic on the other hand, are building their lineup around a Phantom Lancer; something we haven't seen a huge amount this tournament.

4:30 pm:

This might be one of the closest matches we've seen of the event so far.

Nearly 40 minutes in and only two kills seperate the teams; both teams still have towers standing but it feels that Fnatic is starting to suffocate LGD.

4:52 pm:

Back and forth, over again, Fnatic get pushed back to their base and then repel LGD. It looked like LGD had this game in the bag with the Phantom Lancer down for nearly two minutes.

However, Fnatic were able to defend the push of LGD before ambushing LGD near the rosh pit with an amazing Black Hole that decimates LGD and allows Fnatic to take Rosh and charge towards the base, forcing multiple buy-backs from LGD.

4:56 pm:

That game! That fight!

Fnatic get engaged by LGD just outside LGD's base; ravage one and two both get triggered and it looked like LGD could control the fight, especially after the Enigma completely missed the Black Hole.

What LGD wasn't expecting however, was for the Enigma's Refresher Orb to be delivered mid-fight.

The second Black Hole was perfectly on point, sealing the game and the series for Fnatic.

You can watch DJ's amazing blackholes here:

6:32 pm: We're off exploring.

We just spoke to Capitalist so stay tuned for that interview coming up later.

We're also going to have a chat to Godz in about an hour and that should be up sometime soon after.

We'll make sure we're back in place to cover el-clasico as the action happens.

8:08 pm: Liquid v Col

Liquid have succeeded in defeating Complexity in a straight 2-0 set.

Next up is the match everyone here has been waiting for (this crowd is going to deafen me), Na'Vi v Alliance.

8:26 pm: El-Clasico, Na'Vi v Alliance.

This crowd is going INSANE...

These two teams are legends in the Philippines and you can really tell from the reactions.

You can't blame the crowd though; this matchup is legend in the world of Dota 2. A rematch of the legendary series from TI3, this set is guaranteed to be something special.

8:40 pm:

Alliance are moving through the draft really quickly; picking up an instant Void - Jakiro combo as soon as the draft is handed to them.

Na'Vi responds though, by stealing Akke's signature Chen right out from under Alliance; to which Alliance responds with an instant BroodMother pick.

This is starting to look like Alliance has something up their sleeves.

8:53 pm:

Na'Vi are able to secure both bounty runes completely uncontested as Alliance chooses instead to play the early game carefully.

S4 is finding himself pressured heavily in a 2-1 mid lane, almost dying to the Phoenix sunray as Akke falls in top lane and gives up first blood.

Na'Vi then rotate on middle lane again and score a kill against S4 with Dendi's Powershot.

9:04 pm:

As the match moves into the mid-game, Na'Vi has an ever so slight advantage over Alliance. The rotations coming out from Na'Vi are just catching S4 and the Alliance supports off guard too often.

Alliance respond with a push in to mid-lane and the claiming of their first tower; but it comes at a cost of a several kills and a rotation from bot by Bulldog.

Alliance fight back though; claiming three kills in quick succession and bringing the score back to an almost even 8-7 at the 13 minute mark.

9:13 pm:

Just as it started to look like Alliance were taking this game back under their control, Na’Vi take a dominant fight in bottom lane off the back of a beautiful Egg from Sonneiko’s Phoenix that completely ruined Loda’s Chronosphere.

Na'Vi rotate into the Roshan pit; taking the Aegis and securing the game momentum yet again.

Na'Vi continue to pick Alliance apart; scoring kills against S4 in mid and Bulldog near the top lane. Both S4 and Bulldog are finding themselves horribly shut-down this match; neither being able to really contribute much to their team.

9:23 pm:

And just as I say that, Alliance take a dominant fight at their bottom Tier 2 with both S4 and Bulldog playing a major part.

They aren’t able to capitalise on it though; as Na’Vi sneak into the Roshan pit, take the Aegis, and then proceed to pick-off several Alliance hero’s as they attempt to contest.

Na’Vi start to look towards high ground. They move down the bottom lane with the Chen Ancient army in tow but Loda scores an amazing Chronosphere; catching out the TimberSaw and giving Alliance the chance they need to deflect Na’Vi and take a 4-0 fight.


Alliance smoke up and move into Na’Vi’s jungle, but Na’Vi anticipate this move and play conservatively.

The Swedes respond by catching out Dendi and Sonneiko and then moving in and claiming their first Roshan of the game.

Alliance are firmly back in charge of this game now with an MKB coming out for Bulldog and several other major items for the rest of the team.

9:35 pm:

Na'Vi attempts to conduct an ambush in bottom lane but Alliance are able to deflect their efforts and take a dominating 4-0 fight thanks to clutch plays by each and every member of the team.

Alliance take this opportunity to push through the bottom lane of rax, pick off Na'Vi's players as they respawn, claim the remaining rax and take the GG.

10:02 pm:

Both teams have used game 2 to change up their drafts.

Na'Vi has pulled out a surprise Huskar in the final stages of the draft, to which Alliance responded with Loda's signature Naga.

The question is, can Alliance hold off the Na'Vi aggression long enough for the Naga to come properly online. We've all seen Loda's Naga before and we all know how unstoppable it is in the late-game.

10:12 pm:

Speaking of early aggression though; Alliance take first blood on the Huskar on top lane before the 2 minute mark.

Alliance continue to pull Na’Vi apart; pushing back Na’Vi from top lane with a rotation from Bulldog as Na’Vi fails to execute a successful gank on S4 in mid.

Alliance keep up the pressure; killing the Slardar in bottom before claiming their second tower of the game.

10:21 pm:

Things just won’t go the way of Na’Vi. They were able to successfully take the first Roshan of the game, but Loda’s Naga illusion walked in just at the right time and was able to deny the Aegis while still on the ground.

All the while, Loda is off free-farming, quickly closing in on that all important Radiance timing.

And speaking of Radiance, 16 minutes and it’s already on the field.

10:30 pm:

Looking at the scores, the game is 20 minutes in and only 10 kills have been scored all game.

This does not bode well for NaVi as the Naga is now coming online and Alliance will only get stronger as the game goes longer and the split-push begins to really kick in.

Na’Vi are really applying the pressure though; pushing down mid and sieging the tier 3 tower, trapping Loda and is illusions in Alliances base and preventing the attempted split-push.

10:51 pm:

Na’Vi move into the Roshan pit and get Rosh down to with an inch of his life… Just as Loda’s sleep locks the whole team in position while Alliance steals the Roshan kill and goes on to destroy Na’Vi 4-0.

The Naga cancer has well and truly begun by this stage. Illusions are all over the map with every one of Na’Vi’s lanes pushed all the way to the tier 3.

Na’Vi are able to make a push for the Roshan however and Alliance response too late to stop it. However, Loda’s illusions continue to push and take Na’Vi’s top tier 3 unopposed.

Na’Vi have found some power though; taking two big fights against Alliance in a row and retaking the momentum in the game.

11:05 pm:

Na’Vi secures another Aegis as they continue to maintain the momentum.

Loda is then caught out in bottom as a rogue Spiked Carapace hit cancels his TP home mid-Song. Somehow, this game is firmly back under Na’Vi’s control.

Alliance simply don’t have the damage they need. Na’Vi push through mid-lane and take the rax of Alliance before rotating to top and clearing out those rax as well. The heal combination from Chen and Oracle onto the Huskar just seems too strong for Alliance to handle; it’s taking 4 of Alliances players just to handle Huskar on his own.

Na’Vi push through bottom and take mega’s, but Alliance are able to defeat Na’Vi and push them back. Suddenly the Naga comes back into play. Alliance push’s towards Na’Vi’s base and takes down two lanes of rax almost instantly. However, Alliances base is under threat from creeps and they’re forced to retreat.

Na’Vi rotate into Roshan for one last time. They take the Aegis and Cheese, they have 4 buybacks in hand, they push through bottom lane and take the GG.

11:53 am: Alliance v Na'Vi game 3.

Compared to the other two matches this game has been almost disappointing.

Na'Vi has taken a commanding lead in game 3; even with Bulldog on his signature Furion.

Dendi's Invoker combined with the Bat Rider is providing Na'Vi with the control they need to slowly pick Alliance apart.


Na'Vi have succeeded in picking Alliance apart and taking the series 2-1.

Alliance gave Na'Vi almost all of their signature heroes and simply wasn't able to handle the relentless aggression coming out of their historic foe.

With that set, our coverage of day 2 ends.

Stay tuned tomorrow as we continue our live coverage of the Manila Major.